Web Design Packages

Web design packages to fit most business needs. Custom solutions available.

Web Design Packages

Web design packages to fit most business needs. Custom solutions available.


Getting Started


Perfect for businesses just starting out that need an online presence

1 landing page

WordPress Theme

Theme $900 or Custom $1200

Mobile Responsive


$150 per page for written content

See SEO Packages


Complete Business


A complete solution for your personal or business website

5-10 pages

WordPress Theme

5 pages $1900 or 10 pages $2500

Mobile Responsive

Blog Included

Training Session Included


$150 per page for written content

See SEO Packages


Custom Design


A design that is uniquely yours, curated specifically for your brand and functionality needs

starting at 10 pages

WordPress Custom Build

2 designs to choose from

Mobile Responsive

Blog Included

Training Session Included


$150 per page for written content

See SEO Packages


Ecommerce Landing Page


Perfect for businesses just starting out selling online

1 landing page

WordPress or Shopify

Theme $1700 or Custom $2000

Mobile Responsive

Stripe, Square or PayPal payment systems


$150 per page for written content

See SEO Packages


Full e-commerce theme website


A complete ecommerce website using a theme

Up to 7 content pages

Up to 20 products added

WordPress or Shopify Theme

Mobile Responsive

Blog Included

Training Session Included

Stripe, Square or PayPal payment systems


$150 per page for written content

See SEO Packages


Full e-commerce custom website


A fully custom design + your specified functionality

WordPress Custom Build

2 custom designs to choose from

up to 5 content pages

unlimited simple products

Mobile Responsive

Blog Included

Training Session Included

one payment menthod (Stripe, Square or PayPal)

For advanced products or functionalities such as subscriptions, event tickets, bundles, or any other unique solutions, a specific scope and cost need to be determined. Please get in touch with me for further details.


$150 per page for written content

See SEO Packages

Start the

Start the Conversation

Let’s talk about how I can help you with you project.

Real Reviews from Real People

The reviews don’t lie. Real testimonies from real people. I do what I say I’m going to do. I’m reliable, and available. I don’t ghost people-ever. If you need to talk, let’s talk. Just give me a ring.

I was quoted 20K by an agency. Why are your web design packages so much less?

Website design and development is the wild west. There is a full spectrum out there that range from the self-taught IT guy to the ex-agency freelancer to a full-service design firm. All of them “could” deliver to you the same (or somewhat similar) final product, but each of them will be wildly different in pricing.

First, you should know that I spent the first 10+ years of my career working for various agencies. I currently sub-contract for a variety of agencies both in and outside of Arizona. You ARE getting the expertise of an agency-trained designer.

If you are getting quoted $10-$20k for a simple business website design, it is because you are talking to an agency. Agencies have overhead. A LOT of overhead. You are not just paying for the designer and developer. You are paying for the creative director, the account manager, the new business sales department, and the accounting department, just to name a few.

My pricing is the way it is because I run a lean team. A website project consists of me + my developer. This does a few things for you

  • Gives you fair, affordable web design package pricing to get a beautiful website
  • Gets your project done faster than working with an agency because there are not 10 different people and layers to get to the same solution
  • Gives you direct access to your designer without having to go through an account manager. (Speaking from experience here-account managers tend to water down great design. So before you even get to see it-it’s already been changed by someone who is NOT a designer and has NO design training.)

My last web designer disappeared on me. Will you?

Of course my answer is no, but allow me to elaborate.

This is my full time job and has been since I started my company in 2011. I have built my business around trust, excellent communication, and always delivering the product I say that I will. I have the Google Reviews to prove it.

I answer the phone, I reply to emails and texts. I do not leave people hanging. This is the BIGGEST problem with designers. They just “disappear” or run out for a coffee and never come back. That is not me, and never will be. I am passionate about what I do, I take my clients and my business very seriously. If you need to talk to me right now and email isn’t fast enough, call me! As long as I am not on the phone with someone else, I WILL pick up the phone. 623-476-7394.

My last website was built by a developer, and it looked terrible. Why is that?

Here is something you should know. A designer is NOT a developer. A developer is NOT a designer (ever). These are two completely different parts of the brain at work. You need the left and the right side. If you work with just a developer and tell them to put a theme together, they will do it, but their focus is FUNCTION not FORM. Developers do not have the sensitivity to design, color, and flow. It’s not in their nature. What I do is combine both because I am your creative director-your design lead. I work hand in hand with the best developers to work out all of the backend details and coding that needs to happen to that functionality is flawless. This is why I am different, and why my websites are always beautiful AND functional.