6 Reasons to Redesign Your Phoenix Website Design

Phoenix AZ: These days, having a professional, easy-to-use responsive web design is a must. If you want to stand a chance against your competitors, your company has to look the part. Many people start their research for a service or product with a google web search. People put strong weight on if a website looks legit, how many reviews there are, and the quality of design.

Your website is in many cases, the first impression a potential customer may have of you. It is basically your 24/7 salesperson. If done right, a well-done website can bring you a lot of business, so you can spend more time doing the work, and less time fishing for leads.

The idea of a website redesign can seem overwhelming. There are considerations such as do you want to work with a freelancer or an agency? What is the budget? Do you want a pre-designed theme or are you looking for a custom Phoenix website redesign?

Here Are 6 Reasons to Consider a Website Redesign:

1. Your Website Design Is Old and Outdated

Is your website still in HTML? Or perhaps it’s in clunky, hard to use databases like Joomla or Drupal. Even if your customer is not too savvy, the majority of people can spot an old, outdated website a mile away. This first impression is a bad one, and many times these people will not get past the homepage before they move on to find a business with a website that is more on-trend and modern.

2. It Is Not a Responsive

This is an incredibly important feature because more than 60% of your traffic is likely to come from a tablet or smartphone. If your website is designed to only be usable with a desktop computer, you are in trouble. Not only are you losing a large chunk of traffic from people using tablets of phones, but google is also dinging your searchability points thus making it harder for you to rank organically.

3. Your Site Is Difficult to Navigate

Many times this point goes back to having an outdated site. Do you have pages within your site that are not accessible through the main navigation? If yes, you have a problem. Every page within your site should be accessible through the main navigation. Having pages that are buried within pages is a big design no-no.

4. Website Has the Wrong Voice

This is an important point because what you have to say and how you say it is how you will be perceived. Remember, you are not there to explain yourself and your business when someone is searching online, so your message must be clear. A strong call to action and your story needs to shine bright.

5. You Cannot Update the Site Content

Do you have to call a developer every time you need to make a change? Wouldn’t you love to do that quick change on your own? Guess what? This is within your reach! WordPress Phoenix Web Design is a perfect tool to build your new website because it is geared towards the end-user being able to quickly and simply make content and image changes at will. Side note: all of my website design packages include training.

6. Features Are Not Working Properly

I often come across websites that have an error on the homepage because it is asking for the flash to load. Flash used to be a popular method to add animation and movement to a website, however, this is a feature of the past. No longer do we use Flash, mainly because you have to have the program installed to see it (and no one wants to take the time to download it) and it does not work on mobile devices most of the time. It is essential that your ENTIRE website works perfectly on all devices.

Do you feel like you are ready to grab the reins and start the journey to a new Phoenix Web Design? Click here to schedule a call with me today!