Having a small business in a world where the market is saturated with big name brands and national companies can be a challenge. Many of these companies have the advantage of having an in-house marketing and design department to make sure that everything that relates to their branding from a visual and communication perspective is zipped up tight. For this reason, it’s more important than ever for a small business to have a branding package that is unique and memorable. Recent 2021 statistics say that a brand that consistently presents itself across all platforms both print and digital can increase revenue by up to 23%. With that being said, it also takes five to seven impressions for people to remember a brand. That puts the pressure on even more so to have a consistent branding presence that is unique to you so that your brand is not mixed up with your competition. 

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What is Branding?

Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business. 

– Steve Forbes


There are many ways that people define branding, however what makes up a brand is the combination of many parts and pieces that speak the same language in terms of visuals in messaging.


There is a lot of stock that is put into a logo, sometimes too much responsibility and weight is put on the logo. What many people fail to see right away is that a logo is just one part of a very big puzzle. Any piece of collateral or marketing whether that be through print or digital is considered part of branding. It is essential that if you were to lay all of these items flat on a desk that they would all have a cohesive look and feel like they all belong in the same family.


What Does a Small Business Branding Package Offer?

A small business branding package can offer a business the opportunity to get off to the right start with a beautifully designed collection of materials. This could include logo design, business card design, brochure design and website design. 

Having your small business brand designed by an experienced designer can be one of the first steps and helps you to build a successful brand awareness. Brand awareness is one of the key factors in building trust with potential customers. The goal in branding is to effectively communicate what your business stands for in what you offer.

A complete branding package also ensures that you are attracting the right customers. Some of your initial meetings with the designer that you choose should include discussing who your audience is and who you are trying to attract. Being in tune with your demographics can ensure that you are designing your logo or writing your messaging around what is appealing to that client base.


The Branding Style Guide

This is an essential part of your branding story that you should be sure not to skip. You may be a small business now but you may be a large business later. As your business grows and evolves and you begin to add employees, you may be passing the baton of creating marketing materials to other employees within your business. One of the most common mistakes that I see is that these tasks are given to people that have no idea about how to keep a brand consistent and ends up snowballing into a bunch of marketing materials and digital communications that have no relation to each other visually and are a far cry from the original visual brand identity. In short, your branding style guide clearly defines your color palette, your typography, correct usage of the logo, and defines other branding elements such as patterns, photography style, or icons.

Looking for help with your small business branding package? Take a look at some of my branding packages here or book a call with me today to learn how I can be of help: calendly.com/jenrchapman